As an entry-level pr girl, some words can really stick with you. Some of the words I have heard since graduation are so foreign I could swear they were wrong. Some words are so crushing they can replay for hours . . .

Let it Go


  1. “The position has all ready been filled.” Probably the most heart-wrenching thing to read or hear from a place you applied to. 
  2. “Sorry not interested.” If you have ever had this response from a pitch — yes while better than nothing — you know how rejection feels. I prefer some feedback. “Sorry we are looking for a story with a local angle.”
  3. “We decided to go with the old communication strategy.” After hours of brainstorming and a drawn out approval process, I can’t help but be sad when our hard work is thrown away.

The important thing is not to dwell on the worst but remember the best. Holding on to confidence is what will move you ahead. So go ahead, learn from the worst but celebrate the best . . .


  1. “I would like to set up an interview.” Whether a reporter responding to a pitch or a potential employer moving you forward as a candidate, these words are always good to hear!
  2. “You must be a reporter?” A reporter mistaking your PR identity is amazing! (Welcome to the jurno club.)
  3. “You have an amazing media mind.” Impressing your manager can really top the charts!

What are some uplifting comments you received in  your first year?

Impossible to live without failing