You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 10, 2011.


We all need to learn about QR codes. QR stands for quick response. According to QR Stuff, a  “QR code is a mobile phone readable barcode that’s been big in Japan forever, broke into Eurpoe a while back, and is now getting traction in USA.”  A QR code can be scanned by cell phones and sent as text, a website, social media sites, a phone number, a paypal account and so much more. QR codes can be printed on virutally anything.

Just think about the advertising. A company can print QR codes on different products. Then when people see the product they can scan the code and be linked to the company’s site. Professionals can put QR codes on their business cards. Why type in someone’s email or look up someone’s social media when you can scan the QR code  and get the information directly on your cell phone.

I know what you’re thinking. “Why have I not heard of this before?” Good question because they seem to be everywhere. Check out this video from CSI.

Now that you know how amazing QR codes are, download the app. for your phone and try it out on some QR codes that I made.

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March 2011

Blogs I Follow


"Balance is not something you find. It is something you create. "


Husband, Father, & 5K Runner by Birth - 5:45 Miler - 1x 26.2'er by Curiosity - Hydration by Gatorade, Fuel by GU, Traction by Brooks - Team Orange & Black Attack. Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Lover & Hanson's ODP Junkie. This is my life as a Florida runner. (Ephesians 3:14,15)

Tell Me About Running

A Day In My Running Shoes

Running Sunflower

Living life one pair of running shoes at a time.

Travel Often Adventure Always

I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list - Susan Sontag


I'm Bards. I'm moving ... and soon running crazy long and fast again.

My Hiking Adventure

Preparing for the PCT!

Trail to Peak

Gear Reviews, Hiking, and Adventure Travel

Flexitarian Filly

Food and marathon training of a flex-fueled racehorse running the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon


I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ~Robert Frost


Her voice